How many times have you parked at the office and thought, “I could be doing this from anywhere?”

digital nomad work remotely

The modern workplace is changing. As companies continue to digitize and embrace innovation, more workers than ever are taking conference calls from the beach and embracing coffee shop baristas as their new officemates.


It’s called being a digital nomad. These tech-savvy professionals know that their hustle isn’t limited to the office. And they’re a growing tribe. According to a Gallup report on the State of the American Workplace, released earlier this year, more Americans than ever are choosing to work remotely.



Often armed with just a laptop, smartphone and internet access, these workers tend to be freelancers and entrepreneurs. They might be graphic designers who work on campaign art for a French company while staying at a flat in London, or publicists who live in their hometown and pitch story ideas to journalists in between loads of laundry. Find new clients using websites like, and keep an eye on channels like Twitter for people looking to collaborate on projects.


Luckily, in 2017, there are several different ways to become a digital nomad if you’re not a freelancer. With the popularity of telecommuting rising, companies are joining the ranks of giants like Xerox, Dell, Aetna and Amazon to offer virtual positions for applicants all over the world. Obsessed with gadgets and always find yourself giving friends and family tech advice? Consider an At Home Advisor position with Apple.


digital nomad work from home laptop

Love the job you have? Your current workplace might also be open to the possibility of letting you work in your pajamas. Make your argument compelling by backing it with research on the benefits of telecommuting – like how remote workers are more engaged and productive than the traditional office employee. You should also come to the meeting with your boss prepared, with a plan for how you’ll complete your job duties and a realistic work schedule. Offer to ease into it by starting with one or two work-from-home days as a test run.


With more opportunities than ever to work remotely, it’s possible for almost anyone to become a digital nomad. Are you a remote worker that managed to convince your boss to let you work from home? Or are you wondering what the best technology is to help you make the switch? Sound off in the comments and let us know!


Please watch this tech and travel inspired video that was completed produced out of the back pack of Orlando Tech Entreprenuer, Gustavo Hernandez, while on vacation in the Dominican Republic.