BertWill Creative has been very active in creating content for local Orlando entrepreneurs and Non-Profit organizations. Let us tell your story via film, web design, or other digital media platforms.
Orlando Brewing and Yoga Under the Stars Host, Sarah Burnett, team to benefit families affectec by recent weather through the Poses for Puerto Rico event on Thursday October 19th.
In the face of tragedy, people are known to come together. Recently, Puerto Rico was hit with a deadly hurricane, devastating the land and its people. The power this disaster brought was felt in the hearts of many around the world. But like light at the end of the tunnel, this incident lent way for people from all around to demonstrate their compassion and let the people of Puerto Rico know they are not alone in this.
Recently, the Orlando Date Night Guide posted an article on how to help those affected by Hurricane Maria, and make a philanthropic date night out of it. In the article, BertWill Creative’s photo was featured, and to give thanks, we wanted keep up the spirit of paying it forward, and highlight additional relief events here in Orlando.
Here’s a ways to lend a helping hand and show your compassion for Puerto Rico.
October 19, 2017, 7-9pm
Orlando Brewing
You can buy tickets here:
It will likely sell out.
Go with the flow as you partake in an all-levels yoga class led by Sarah Burnett at Orlando Brewing to raise funds for Puerto Rico hurricane relief. 100% of the proceeds will directly benefit hurricane aid for Puerto Rico. After class, stick around for $1 off all Orlando Brewing brews.
How many times have you parked at the office and thought, “I could be doing this from anywhere?”
The modern workplace is changing. As companies continue to digitize and embrace innovation, more workers than ever are taking conference calls from the beach and embracing coffee shop baristas as their new officemates.
It’s called being a digital nomad. These tech-savvy professionals know that their hustle isn’t limited to the office. And they’re a growing tribe. According to a Gallup report on the State of the American Workplace, released earlier this year, more Americans than ever are choosing to work remotely.
Often armed with just a laptop, smartphone and internet access, these workers tend to be freelancers and entrepreneurs. They might be graphic designers who work on campaign art for a French company while staying at a flat in London, or publicists who live in their hometown and pitch story ideas to journalists in between loads of laundry. Find new clients using websites like, and keep an eye on channels like Twitter for people looking to collaborate on projects.
Luckily, in 2017, there are several different ways to become a digital nomad if you’re not a freelancer. With the popularity of telecommuting rising, companies are joining the ranks of giants like Xerox, Dell, Aetna and Amazon to offer virtual positions for applicants all over the world. Obsessed with gadgets and always find yourself giving friends and family tech advice? Consider an At Home Advisor position with Apple.
Love the job you have? Your current workplace might also be open to the possibility of letting you work in your pajamas. Make your argument compelling by backing it with research on the benefits of telecommuting – like how remote workers are more engaged and productive than the traditional office employee. You should also come to the meeting with your boss prepared, with a plan for how you’ll complete your job duties and a realistic work schedule. Offer to ease into it by starting with one or two work-from-home days as a test run.
With more opportunities than ever to work remotely, it’s possible for almost anyone to become a digital nomad. Are you a remote worker that managed to convince your boss to let you work from home? Or are you wondering what the best technology is to help you make the switch? Sound off in the comments and let us know!
Please watch this tech and travel inspired video that was completed produced out of the back pack of Orlando Tech Entreprenuer, Gustavo Hernandez, while on vacation in the Dominican Republic.
As I have been working closely with a good friend, client and barber of mine, I started discovering things that we have in common as men, as entrepreneurs and as friends. Human beings are constantly searching for happiness, reaching for the next level of success and striving for perfection. I wanted to briefly touch on these three things in this post that are related to the Latin words “Magnum Opus”. Now, Magnum Opus was not just the name of Mad Max’s primary vehicle, it is also Latin for “a large and important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of an artist or writer” – thanks Wikipedia. Humans, as the creative beings that we are, strive for perfection in the work that we put out, whether it be the blurriest fade, the best web design layout, a perfect, jaw-dropping dance performance, architecture or virtually any other craft or piece of art that you can imagine.
As Elvis, “Mr. Kingdom Barbers” (@kingdom_barbers on IG), and I put this brief video together for his website, we both wanted to display our talents in our own crafts.
Deepak Chopra describes happiness in two words, “divine discontent”. I take that to mean that we will never, and should never, be completely satisfied with where we are at in life, otherwise we would be completely bliss-ed out 100% of the time. In making this video, although we were “working”, we enjoyed it, we were happy. We know it is not perfection, we know that it will not appeal to EVERYONE, we know that it wont grab everyone’s interest. This video may feel perfect for one person the first time they watch it; two hours, two weeks, or two years from now, it will be boring, simple and old news. Perfection isn’t the point of this video. The point is to capture a moment, to tell a story, to let your clients know what they might be able to experience when they step foot into your barbershop.
The production value of this video is not that of a BMW or Mercedes commercial, we get that. There is no voice over. You will never hear Gang Starr rapping these epic hip hop lyrics in a Ferrari promotional video, at least not one that was produced by Ferrari. In choosing this song, I thought about the culture of the Barbershop industry, how it has grown and its current culture. While, hip hop could potentially scare certain clients away, we want to be honest, while staying authentic to the experience that you might have when you walk through those doors.
Being the son of a well-accomplished barber who owned shops in Florida and New York City and inspired family to open shops in Miami, I have seen what it takes to be successful in appealing to the masses. Humility, authenticity, quality service and selflessness are the characteristics that come to mind when thinking of what Elvis and my father have in common as people and what they have created.
If you haven’t met Mr. Kingdom Barbers, it is because you have never walked through the humble doorway of his barbershop, you never heard him gratuitously speak to teach and motivate new students at a tech college, or you have never been to a barber battle where he has been a judge or simply supported his barbershop family members. He is better because he encourages others to be better and tries ferociously to lift others up.
If you have been in one of my sales courses or heard me talk about them, you may have heard me say “Repetition is the mother of Mastery.” Figure out what you love, keep doing it over and over, continue to get better, continue to stretch yourself. You will discover your own Magnum Opus.