Working with women isn’t the easiest thing for most men to do in a safe and productive way.  Women likely understand this concept much better than their male counter parts.  I am writing this post to breakdown what working with smart, talented, young professional women should be about….

Let’s begin!

Focus on Your Craft(s)

Anyone who knows me, KNOWS I am not the best communicator when it comes to one on one talks or business decisions. My talents exist elsewhere. What working with a collaborative team may allow you to realize is that you shouldn’t try to wear every single hat in your Entrepreneurship and business. Just try to focus on the things that you are the absolutely most talented at and forget the rest.

Be Respectful of Everyone

Stop focusing on the women, yes.  Duh…  That’s common sense.  But no, it isn’t for most men.  Whether it’s their time, their attention, or their God given talents…  You should never try to take advantage of a client, a customer, a friend, a family member, OR a woman.  Just know that whatever you put out into the universe will likely be picked and read in today’s new digital media landscape.

Decide Who You Want to Work With Early

(A little more personal on this one)  But I recently switched myself and my father (and hopefully my brother soon) over to plant-based nutrition for both nutritional and compassionate reasons.  In short, I plan to be choosier with the clients I decide to work with, the people I decide to surround myself with, the mentors I choose to learn from, and the values of the business owners and their life goals.
